This is an eight-week course featuring a live instructor on how to hear God’s voice. You will learn how to initiate a conversation with God on any subject at any time. Course content includes the biblical basis for hearing God’s voice, a simple, easy-to-learn method, testing what we hear, dreams and visions, and helping others to hear God’s voice.
The course runs every Tuesday for eight weeks. We are currently accepting registrations for Cohorts 13 and 14. Click the links below to see the start time in your time zone. We need five people to sign up to confirm a cohort.
Clicking on one of the above links takes you to We do not control the advertising on that site.
Please note that many regions of the world will experience daylight savings adjustment during the eight weeks.
Note: we need at least 5 people to register for a particular Cohort to go ahead. Cohort size is limited to 12 people.
(We will never sell your email address or personal information to third parties.)
Neil Miller has worked at a not-for-profit development organization in South Asia for two decades. Prior to that he worked as an engineer designing electronics for medical imaging devices. He has received training at Briercrest College, University of Waterloo, and Tyndale Seminary. He is passionate about helping other people hear God’s voice.
Some cohorts will be lead by other instructors who have lots of experience listening to God’s voice.
We think this course is life-changing, and you can’t put a price on that. We also realize that people come from different life situations and we don’t want money to be a barrier. So, you get to determine what you pay.
The course is not free, but there will be no high-pressure sales tactics either. You will be reminded three times to make a payment. Payment can be made by credit card or bank transfer and receipts will be given.